Our School » About The School

About The School

Clarkdale Elementary School A Rating Graphic

Welcome to Clarkdale Elementary School. Since 1934, Clarkdale  has been dedicated to providing the very best education to our students. Throughout our proud history, Clarkdale has been a place where students are intellectually challenged, engaged, and curious about the world in which they live. Our students are compassionate, creative, and filled with desire to meet new challenges and pursue creative paths to solutions.

We are all very excited about the 24-25 school year, where classrooms are full once again with activities and ideas that challenge and inspire our students.

Our amazing teachers work hard to create an exceptional learning environment for our students. As a result, our school has been recognized as being an example of not just excellent teaching, learning, but also high levels of student achievement and growth.  

Throughout the year, exciting things are happening in our classrooms and on our campus! We encourage you to get involved by being a partner with your child’s teacher, volunteering at school activities, and taking an active role in your child's education. You are the best gift you can give your child. You are your child's most important teacher. Spend time with your child. The elementary years go quickly, but they are among the most important and fundamental years of your child’s life. It is my desire to keep the focus on increasing student achievement and doing whatever it takes to help ALL our students be successful and enjoy coming to school each day. I believe that learning should be fun and that an elementary school should pave the way for a lifetime of learning.

Whether you are a first-time visitor or are already a member of our community, I encourage you to explore our website, https://ces.lauderdale.k12.ms.us/ and discover the activities and programs happening in our classrooms. We also have a Facebook page and Twitter account with news of our awesome happenings. Come see our campus and feel the excitement and energy our children emulate every day. Take a tour, meet our faculty, and see for yourself our welcoming community. Please don't hesitate to let us know if we can be of any assistance. We are here to help you and, most importantly, to help your child be successful!

Thank you for choosing Clarkdale and allowing our team to work with your children each day.